Be a wooing playboy or the protective boyfriend?

Whether you’re creating an online profile, meeting people at church, or giving speed dating a try, the attitude, behaviors, and preferences of people in the dating world are as varied and unpredictable as ever. Knowing if there are rules, what rules apply and following those that resonate in your own heart and mind, require you to be aware and mature.

Traditional Dating. Some very traditional rules still do apply.Bullet Proof Seduction_Banner250x250 It is smart to hold the door open for your female companion; no matter what some people think of chivalry is alive and well. If you don’t know what chivalry is, look it up. Being pleasant, saying please and thank you, smiling, and paying attention to your personal hygiene, is all good social behavior, and it makes you bonus points in the dating world.

Online Dating. It’s a new forum, and it may be more difficult to know what the rules are. Here’s a word to the wise safety first. Take your time getting to know people through email, phone conversations, and then if you do wish to meet, set up a meeting in a public setting. The online world makes it possible to cross paths with people from all walks of life. Be kind, but if there is someone who is showing you attention who you have reservations about, listen to that instinct and don’t pursue meeting.

Speed Dating. Another new venture for the dating world. Speed dating is an event where pre-registered singles rotate around a room and get a chance to sit with a potential date for a few minutes to see if they hit it off. Not sure if there are rules, but how about a few suggestions for a successful speed dating experience. Relax, don’t have high expectations, enjoy the experience, and consider preparing a few witty things to say or questions you can ask your partners.

Faith-based Dating. In some communities, individuals are only interested in dating within their own faith. If that’s the case for you, there are a number of criteria or rules that you will be focused upon that will guide your dating choices. In our modern world, many people are much more tolerant of individual beliefs, and will be much more respectful of your intentions to date only inside your own faith. If this is important to you, pursue these specific dating relationships and be proud to know you are congruent with your faith.

Dating and the Differences in Ages. Older men dating younger women; younger men dating older men, there just aren’t as many social stigmas on less traditional pairs getting together. A number of different motivations may be involved, and yet the rules have changed and you may even finding yourself having a different opinion about these relationships than you did just a few short years ago.

Dating is an important part of our social structure as human beings. Think about the rules that are important to you. Know yourself and your preferences, and you will be more likely and more prepared to find a partner who believes as you do.

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